Pneumatic vibrator System for pharmaceutical industry

Pneumatic vibrators are mainly used in pharmaceutical industry, granary, wall bin, barn, to help self chute and hopper conveying materials.Widely used in fatigue test of parts or structures;Shaking and compaction of hopper;Linear and bowl feeder, sieve and strainer;Vibration table and mixing equipment.Prevent bottles and cans or similar products from getting stuck or blocked in conveyor equipment.

Compaction of materials in containers or molds.Separate the materials with different particle size on the separator, screen or screen.Only compressed air is needed as power source, low consumption, safe and energy saving. It is an ideal device used in freezing or high temperature environment, suitable for humid, dry, dusty or explosive environment.Before installing the vibrator, make sure that the installation position is carefully selected to ensure the best working effect.

The installation surface must be clean and flat.The uneven mounting surface will make the vibrator not work normally due to the torsional vibration of the vibrator body.Vibrator should be installed as far as possible to make the ball, roller rotation direction of material flow support.The air inlet direction can easily determine the correct installation position.

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