The role of car solenoid valve

The solenoid valve is the actuator on the vehicle. The engine of the vehicle has ecu, and the automatic transmission has tcu. Ecu and tcu can collect information from various sensors, and after processing, the operation of the engine and transmission can be adjusted by adjusting mechanisms such as solenoid valves.

The solenoid valve on the vehicle is mainly concentrated on the shift adjustment system of the engine and automatic transmission.

The working principle of the solenoid valve is quite simple. There is a coil inside the solenoid valve. When this coil is energized, it can cause magnetic force. At this time, the valve can be closed or opened.

If you don’t want the solenoid valve to work, you can turn off the power directly.

On engines equipped with variable valve timing and variable valve lift systems, there are solenoid valves in the valve train.

There is also a solenoid valve on the carbon canister of the car’s fuel tank.

There are also many solenoid valves on the valve plate of the automatic transmission, and these solenoid valves play a crucial role.

If there is no solenoid valve, the vehicle cannot operate normally.

The solenoid valve allows the computer to precisely adjust the engine or transmission to operate so that it is possible. If there is no solenoid valve, the computer cannot adjust the engine and transmission.

Many solenoid valves in the engine and transmission basically need to be lubricated. Of course, the engine oil and transmission oil must be changed regularly when using the car.

Otherwise, the solenoid valve may be damaged.

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